Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg
Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Volume 173
ISBN 978-3-662-53621-6 eISBN 978-3-96134-005-7
2025 (2017, 2010, 2005, 2000, 1997)
xx+455-490 pages; 122 figures
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eBook includes the entire book, including the index. It
comes as high-quality PDF, so every page looks exactly as
in the print edition. It can be downloaded for off-line
reading, searched, and navigated via internal links. The eBook is availabe on two platforms: as a Standard eBook in PDF for all computers and tablets, and from within a dedicated iOS app for iPads. (You can test this on an iPhone, where all book downloads are free.) While the Standard eBook is more versatile across platforms, the iOS app's eBook has a richer environment. You can download individual chapters, and upgrade to the Professional edition. There are free upgrades to future editions, free past editions, and translations into these languanges: |
Professional: |
Freely installable, printable PDF that can be annotated. Includes 35 pages of hints for the exercises, which are not in the print edition. Free upgrades to future editions. Details The iOS app can also download a Professional Edition that can be annotated (but not printed). Its annotations can be synced across your iOS devices and saved in the iCloud. |
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individual eBooks available to your students. Distribute
handouts from the book, such as exercises, and your own
choice of exercise hints (which only the Professional
edition includes). Details Includes a personal Professional edition for the lecturer. |
If you find any errors or misprints in the sixth edition, please let me know. Those reported so far can be seen here.
There are translations into German (5th ed'n), Chinese (5th ed'n), Japanese (2nd ed'n) and Russian (5th ed'n). The German and the Chinese edition have their own web pages and eBooks.